Friday, April 24, 2015

Last Day of School

Several months ago, I posted about my first last day of school at NC State. I never thought I would make it, but here I am at the last day of class in my undergraduate career. I have spent seven years working toward this achievement. Seven years of finals, summer school, excitement, disappointment, and new challenges. Looking back at my first move-in day at NC State, I feel like I was a baby. So much has happened in my life since that day that it is hard to believe that I am at the end of this journey. I am finally reaching the next steps.

2 weeks before classes started freshman year, 2008
I started NC State as an Aerospace Engineering student, and I graduate in two weeks with my degree in Agricultural and Environmental Technology. I know I have spoken a lot the last few weeks about my upcoming graduation, but this is the biggest step I have taken in seven years. If I decided to detail my college career for you, we could be here for days! I have been a student in three separate disciplines, a member of multiple organizations across the board, and I have made and lost many friends! Three of my friends today are friends that I made seven years ago, and we feel like we have come a long way! Some of my friends have left to be with God, and while I miss them every day, I am glad I have the extra angels helping me along my way. 

Trip to Los Angeles, summer 2011
This has been a journey. There is no better way to describe it! God has guided me and lead me to this point in my life, just as He will lead and guide me for the rest of my life. He brought me to Joshua, my best friend and love of my life, just as He brought me to agriculture, several semesters before I actually listened. I have met amazing people, and I have met people I would have rather not known. Every step has been a step to this moment!  I am finally crossing the finish line!



  1. Good for you, lady! I just graduated from college in Wisconsin. Going to your school would be like a dream! Best of luck in your future!!

  2. Thank you so much! I am so happy for you too!!! I know you will be awesome!! Good luck with your future endeavors!!

  3. Tricia Leigh ArtimApril 28, 2015 at 9:13 AM

    Thank you Claire! <3


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