Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I'm Back!

Friends, it has been too long!

I have been keeping myself really busy lately, and I am still learning how to embrace all the parts of this new adventure.  I thank each and every one of you for being patient with me as I learn how to handle all of this.  I also want to thank each of you who supported me during this transition.  It is good to know that I am loved, and supported!  

Since we spoke last, I had so many changes happen in my life, that I kind of felt out of balance.  I felt like my whole life was spinning out of control, and I was having to relearn how to live in my own shoes.  I have a new job, and I have been building my own career for the last month.  I love the people I work with, and I am becoming more and more confident in my performance, so that is all good.  

Joshua and I are also working on plans to get him closer to home.  This has been a hard blow for both of us.  Throughout the last month, we have only seen each other on the weekends, and we have spent a lot of time apart.  I do not like this at all, but we are trying to have Joshua out of Raleigh and home by the end of August.  That is the plan anyway.  

My new goal is to try to keep up with this blog.  I love it so, and I have definitely missed writing.  As part of my new "life transition" I am going to make it a point to do something I love.  My posts might be a lot shorter, but I am going to try to write a post twice a week.  Right now, I have been living exhausted, but hopefully all that will change!  In the meantime, bear with me a little longer as I begin to figure all of this out!    

Any suggestions for balancing work life with non-work life?
Like I said, let me know!


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