Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Currently | April

Hello friends!

I am so excited for another edition of Currently!  The last Currently I participated in was last August, and I was actually so late that I missed the cut off date, I didn't get to link up!  This month though, I have it under control!  I have gotten a lot better about planning my blog entries accordingly, and paying very close attention to when group link ups are happening.  I have also gotten a lot better in general just about blogging, and planning when it is all going to happen!  If you want to check out the creators of this Currently linkup, just check out Gold and Bloom and Anne in Residence!  I am always excited to see what they are into!

MAKING | a flower bed!  We moved into our house in October, and while I have some really pretty flowers, I have this really weird flower bed.  It is covered with landscaping sheets and gravel.  Very strange.  I am digging all this up and before too long, I will be spreading mulch and planting flowers!  I especially want an herb section for cooking herbs, but I might do that in something I can bring inside during the winter!  I doubt it will look like this, but one can dream!

WISHLISTING | these adirondack chairs!  They are currently selling them at Lowe's Hardware for about $20 a piece!  I so want some brown and red ones so that I can put them in our yard!  We have this weird section of our yard that is bricked out and also covered in gravel.  Eventually, I want to cut down the weird shrub in the middle, and fill the spot with mulch and some paver stepping stones.  Then I can put some chairs and a little table in the middle, and have a thinking spot.  Maybe I am actually wishlisting a thinking spot?  

CLEANING | my whole house!  lol After the grill, I realized that I apparently stress hoard and forget to cleaning during my stress period.  Luckily, I have been doing a lot of pinning lately, and I found this niffy little spring cleaning post!  Specifically, my week goal is get my closet organized!

POSTING | good content!  lol This month, I would like to focus on posting some good strong content, and not necessarily get wrapped up in the generic posting.  I would like to get better about leaving a impact on my visitors, and not specifically following a trend!

TASTING | all the goodness of spring!  As part of my blogging for books, I received a free copy of Sweeter Off the Vine.  It is a year-round cook book that focuses on sweets and treats for different seasons, depending on what is in season!  As part of my review, I like to have recipes that I have sampled from the book, so I am getting wrapped up in the excitement of the spring fruits!  Ultimately, I cannot wait to share more about this book with you, because I think I am going to love it for sure!

What are you into Currently?
Like I said, let me know!


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