Friday, April 15, 2016

Five Things Friday | 1

TGIF right?

I don't know about y'all, but I am so excited that Friday is upon us, even though I have to work Saturday!  Today I am spending the day in Statesville helping out the branch there, so I am little far away from home!  That's okay though because tomorrow at 12 noon, my weekend starts!  So in celebration of Friday, I am posting five of my favorite finds from the week!  Hope you enjoy them!

Kids are so honest...

Can you say yummy??  Check out the full, super easy recipe here!

As a young professional in the corporate world, I always want to better my leadership skills.  This link has some great advice!

If you are like me and prepping for good summer reads, here is a pretty interesting list of really good, really underrated books!

I love motivational quotes, and this one is a GREAT one!  Take a deep breath, and realize your plan doesn't have to be perfect!

What are five things that made your list this Friday?
Like I said, let me know!


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