It has been a hot minute since I wrote anything, and that could be because I have been too busy to really think about life. Josh and I have been working on a new adventure...both working full-time and trying to find time in the day for everything we have to do. This means we are constantly giving up something we want to do in order to do something else. This is all so new to me, and I am still trying to find energy to still do as much as I can. Still, somedays that is limited!
Either way, the count down is ON!! I have 32 days until Joshua and I get married, and I still have SOOO much to do! Or at least I think I do! Here are how my August goals went...please don't judge!! lol
August Goals
2 - Finish "Thank You" notes! - NO! I think I have six months to do these...and I suck at sending out notes! This is not done...still!
3 - Book honeymoon flights! - NO! I am going to start looking at rates, and I am planning on doing these on the Tuesday after Labor Day...I think the rates will be low!
Whoa! August went by super fast! It was a crazy whirlwind...and I only posted twice! This month, I will try to do better!
September Goals
1. Complete wedding plans
2. Post more
3. Book honeymoon flights
4. Be happy with where God has me
5. Learn to "Let It Go"
6. Read more
What are your goals for this month? How did August goals go?
Like I said, let me know!