Happy Friday!!
Best Song to Have Stuck in Your Head: Okay, I cannot believe I just heard this song this past weekend. I have been jamming out to Karmin's "Acapella." Yep. I have been listening and singing it all week long!!! On the bus, in the shower, everywhere! If you haven't heard it, check it out below!
Best Netflix Binge: This is an oldie, but a goodie!! I have always loved Criminal Minds, but I have never been able to catch it from season one onward!! That is exactly what I have been doing all week long. Any free time I have, I pop on Criminal Minds!! Love love love!
Best Excitement: I got a new car!! Yes, it is true! And this one is not as old as I am! Joshua bought me a 2005 Ford Explorer, and it is beautiful. It is birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and graduation gift wrapped into one sweet ride! It is the first car in my name, and I am now an official auto insurance holder! Excitement shall commence...now!
Hope you all have had an amazing week and are looking forward to an awesome weekend!! Any exciting plans??? Like I said, let me know!!
Girl, date night sounds AWESOME!!! I hope you and Joseph had a lot of fun last night! I am also totally in love with Carrie Underwood's music, and I have really been wanting to watch Melissa & Joey! I am super excited about my new vehicle, and I have lovingly named it "Xploder." Maybe not a promising name, but one gifted out of love!! I miss you so much!!!